Week 5
3-Day Momentum Challenge
Momentum is a powerful force in nature. You see it manifested in both positive and negative ways. You can use the law of momentum to either harm you or to advance you in the direction of your goals. The focus is movig foward right? Keeping the momentum going. For those of us with trauma brain? It gets hard to stay on track. We seemed to squrrel our way off into yander forgetting that we are building our future path! When we finally get back to it?
There is a feeling of guilt! Dive back into your notes and find week 2.
Re Read!
Gather yourself and lets get back to our forward motion!
Here’s the KEY…
If you commit to doing something for just 3 consecutive days, you have the beginnings of a powerful “momentum” force working in your favour!
Your assignment this week is to choose 1 very small habit you can instill beginning today and executing for the next 3 days. A great example is dental floss. If you are not in the habit of flossing every single day, start by using the next 3 days to do so. For me? I need to stop picking up my phone as soon as I wake up! Thats my weeks task!
You can start by simply becoming aware of
a) The momentum principle.
b) Your desire to implement the habit of flossing using the momentum principle.
Just by that simple act, you are 90% of the way there!
Once you have committed to the habit for the 3 day window, you obviously must keep it going… but you already know that. Pick ANOTHER small task and see how you do over 3 days.
Your job now is to observe how your perceptions change during these 3 days. You are deliberately observing a change in behavior based on a habit you have chosen to create.
YOUR journal is SUPER important right now!
Keep with it!
Write down how the momentum principle has impacted you.
The final step is to use your notebook to prioritize all of the changes you intend to make in your life.
Then, start with a single habit and put the momentum principle into play.
Choose One Small Habit Change That Can Help You Reach Your Goals:
After Committing to That Change for 3-Days, Reflect on How It Has Impacted You:
Use this process over and over again (to address each area of your life you want to improve) to grow and evolve into the person you truly want to be!
Until Next WEEK!