There are times when I look into the mirror and wonder. Does my brain work? How does it work? Why am I asking about my brain? SQURRIL! Then I wonder if I am actually smart as all the choices that have led me here. Well, may have not been the smartest of choices. My curiosity about what makes us tick will be a forever passion. I will never back down from asking WHY. Why? I genuinely want to know if the words we use are meaningful soulfully or just by requirements of conversation and environmental expectations. I know, I know. I am totally geeking out right now BUT what does it mean to think bigger? My brain is already filled to the max with scary things, sci-fi things, cool recipes, and bills that are overdue and stressing me…..but BIGGER?
Michelle Gass ran Starbucks and helped grow the brand in 33 different countries. Originally Starbucks was a side item, but she looked at it a bit bigger. When Einstein looked at an Atom or Tesla looked at conduction…they saw something much bigger. The question was HOW do we get from this spark to a HUGE fire of profits and achievements? I think Michelle Gass is quoted as saying, “Let's think of how big this could be.” And this would be an excellent mantra to start with.
There are so many prolific inventors, writers, philosophers, teachers, and Gurus around the world that would tell you that it’s not how small you start but how LARGE you can image it to be. Don’t sell yourself short as they dream can be as big as your brain can make it and sometimes? If you are lucky enough to have other folks that are reliable? Tap into their brains too and make it a brain wave! Ok, sorry. My geek sparked into a whole silly direction.
Ahem, as I was saying. Don’t sell yourself short. It's always up to you and if you take the task at hand seriously. There is a TON of resources to help you create your dream into a reality. I mean whoever thought that a telescope was more important than a flushing toilet? William De Boreel did in 1655! I know there is debate on if the toilets had flush ability in 1596 but the first official patient of the good ol’ flush a roo was in 1775 by Alexandar Cummings.
Ok, sorry. Focused!!!
The world has so much to offer and no one will ever know everything. Unless you are me at the sweet age and sassiness of 14 but I digress. We need to see the world as this abundant giant rock that has endless possibilities. Einstein, Gass, Gandi, and yes, Mr. Alexander Cummings all saw just a little more and you can too.
If you want it? Get it! Yes, the journey may suck at first, and there may be a lot of crying in between but eventually, your dream will manifest itself bigger than your heart ever imagined!
If you want big things in your life, you’ve got to think big. Dare to think bigger than you could possibly imagine. Even if you come up short, you will have achieved so much.
A Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach
My latest radio interview!