The very idea that the world is boring is ABSURD to me. I was up late last night and took a pit stop into a local McDonald's only to see a very sparkly cowboy waiting on his late-night tryst. This area is not one that sparkles so I figured it was a dating site that made this late-night connection. AS I drove through the town I watched those who road bikes at 10 pm and watched those falling asleep on the benches at the parks. Cars whirled by, lights were bright as the night was foggy. The pups were sleeping soundly as I drove through an unknown world. The sky lit up miles down from a storm.
It's about 97 degrees and the AC is hating its role. I drive for fun. Not because I had anywhere to go or any real need to be on the road. My curiosity opened a Pandora's box of what really is. And what really ISN'T. The homelessness in this area has grown to epic proportions. I recall when we were homeless. A State that is easy to fall into and very hard to get out of. The support systems are far and few between but judgments are plentiful. The largest judgment is that homeless folks are drug addicts. I will debunk that myth! NOPE. Most are folks who fell onto hard times, usually from Job loss or like me, a wicked ugly divorce.
Petty crimes are on the rise and cops are acting as though we are in Area 51. Heroine soothes most folks here. Soothes them from the reality that this area no longer wants locals. These folks run this town. They are your bartenders, nurses, construction folk, police, and teachers. The area has come to a turning point that renting is an extreme grotesque thing. The new prices are to offer upwards $3000 a month in an old mill town. A Blue Collar town. The average wage is $13.00 an hour. If one is to do the math on the rentals vs wages, well? It's simply not there. So? Homelessness is now a norm and the police beat requests ID checks on all of them. The community parking lots are now purchased at a premium and those who rent offer their parking spaces to the public for premiums too. Space is becoming a monetary thing here in Dover, NH. The big BOOM of building to try and get the town out of debt is a nice idea but I fear will fail them. Fail them all while putting good, hard-working local folk out of much-needed housing.
The council is uber clear that even parking meters are to be at every inch of the space. That parking is a luxury and it hurts all of the small business’s that rely on foot traffic. They are looking at Boston folks moving here to commute via train whilst pushing the locals out. The average and low-income folks have to move as its no longer affordable here. The attitude is bittersweet. Some love the idea that there is progress while others are feeling slighted. Discrimination of the highest form is in its full swing and there is very little the average can do to switch that. To change it. The money isn't there to fight. The votes are not there to over turn seats. The code enforcement is ignoring or some say “overlooking” a lot of the rules when allowing the new buildings.
The number one state for the most homelessness is California. New York, Florida, & Massachusetts are not too far behind. What do they have in common? A BIG boom of building overpriced homes and rentals to accommodate incomes that are far and few between whilst kicking the locals and hard-working folk out. Indeed, this does raise property values and taxes. Making living in the area harder as its less affordable to the average. The need for a quick income vs long term growth is clear here. The community is now nothing but large buildings, stressed folks, and homelessness.
This area is looking for a quick fix.
Like a junkie.
I will say that as witness, this housing epidemic is everywhere. I was recently interviewed on WINK news about my area in Florida and how painful that is becoming for the average person. The over growth of an unbalanced economy is becoming more concerning as the years move forward. I have no idea what world my daughter will live in when she becomes older. I fear for the next generation as I don’t see a peaceful world. All I see is greed and folks plowing over each other to get some new materialistic thing.
I feel fortunate at this point on my journey as I am doing all that I can to save 5K to put down on a house. Buying a house is FAR cheaper then renting and through all of what we have endured, its nice to know that I have a chance to own my own home. Will I be working over time? Crazy hours? Yuppers.
Should I try and fund raise? I m not sure how that would work. What I do know is that I will do all that I can to not fall homeless again, even though it is so easy to do as a single mother. One income does not get folks far these days.
Until Next time……
Write me:
Living & Thriving with Rustie
2828 S Mccall Road
Engelwood FL 34224