
3 min readDec 13, 2019


It's taken a long time for me to accept that everything is temporary. Our relationships, lives, dreams, and paths are all so small in the larger space of time. It's a fundamental shift in perspective when we finally realize how we fly through time and try so hard to make things that have come and gone last longer. I think to achieve your fullest potential you must accept that experiences are temporary stamps on our consciousness. We are here to experience and move on.

Maybe think of our path as a factory belt, running us through our course so that we can taste all of the fruits of our emotions. We glide done this belt learning, accepting, denying, repeating until acceptance, and growing in understanding. Somewhere along our evolutionary path, we have developed a hunger for which we can not sustain. We want so badly to stay in that moment that has passed that creatively we build walls and barriers to block our forward movement. That is when we find struggle and pain. We blocked out our own flow of movement. We invite other folks paths to intersect with our own not realizing they too have to journey alone. Maybe what you see as dark, was created to keep blocks in place from forward movement. In the end? It's up to you to hurdle over it, consciously aware or not. The messages are everywhere. Even if we don’t want to hear them at that time

The excitement is to acknowledge that you are building those walls and learn how to pull them down. We are so gifted in creativity that we find that changing our minds or figuring out that we made an error hurts. Our intentions are always in love. However, that hurt is only temporary and once your flowing in movement, those memories fade. It's a delicious way of looking at our journey in this life. Not everything is our focus nor is everyone else’s business our own to handle. It's hard to watch others suffer but it is in their own suffering that they need to learn how to heal. We can only stand by and send love. To cheer them on but we can not fix their journey. We can guide, hug, and plant seeds of inspiration but they must handle their journey as they can.

You must journey as you can. I am cheering you on. Loving all of you and in this, I hope that your journey is amazing.

Shine your lights loved ones!!

Until next time……………..


I write pieces of my 43-years journey circling this planet. Some are past and some present. The time is not relevant.

It’s the story of healing, hope, transformation, and my overall determination not to give up.


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Living & Thriving with Rustie

2828 S Mccall Rd


Englewood, FL 34224




Written by Rustie

Rustie shares her personal journey through severe poverty, rape, abuse, & homelessness in a light-hearted way. Her radio Show: blogtalkradio.com/rustie

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