Lets Discover Your True Passions
If you’re lucky, you’ve already discovered many of your passions and get to spend much of your time enjoying things that bring you excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with activities, skills, and interests that ignite your passion.
It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are written to tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies. Embrace the journey and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight.
- What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do?
Consider what would need to happen to carry through with this long-sought wish. Make a plan and get started.
2. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?
Let your mind go. It could be something related to your work, your home, or simply a lark.
3. Where do I really want to live?
What city and what type of residence? Ponder the possibilities of moving to a place you’ll love.
4. Where would I like to visit?
Perhaps you’re harboring a secret yearning to visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster Abbey in London. Can you make it happen?
5. What do I talk about doing but never do it?
In a conversation, you might say something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to take a cruise to the Caribbean.”
If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you’ll be pleased with what you discover. Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment. Share your discoveries or thoughts in the comments below — let’s embark on this journey together!