No Clock and lots of Cash

3 min readApr 27, 2020



I write pieces of my 43-years journey circling this planet. Some are past and some present. The time is not relevant.

It’s the story of healing, hope, transformation, and my overall determination not to give up.


What would you seriously do if money and time were not an issue? Think about having ALL the money you could ever IMAGINE and the clock no longer mattered. How do you see your life? What would your mission or goals be? Where would you go? Do? Create? How would you spend your life? I don't see a side hustle going on or a need to worry about much.

What 4 things can you think of that would spark a fire in your soul What would drive you? What IS your passion?

My passion is to travel and learn. I want to gobble up all I can about people, places, cultures, traditions, and the reasons why people get out of bed in the morning. I want to learn what makes people tick and what inspires them to move forward, even in their personal storms. I know people think that all they do is get out of bed, go to work, pay bills, eat, sleep, and repeat. HOWEVER, that is really not the case.

We are walking stories, dreams, hurts, and aspirations. We are amazing, delicate, fierce, and at times truly humbling moments. We are a combination of experience, textures, and ideas. As a whole, we are AWESOME. Individually? Humans are often far more amazing then we would ever know unless we ask. Most folks do because in doing, they are living in what they have experienced up till now. As I always say, you don't know what you don't know.

SO? I will eventually get to a place where all I will do is travel around the world, interviewing people. I am so passionate about changing people's narratives and I want everyone to embody the tools and tricks they need to weather any storm.

As of now, I am virtually traveling around the world, meeting people via technology, and sharing our conversations about what it's like to live in a Pandemic. (Videos)

What I have taken away so far is the following list of tips, tricks, and things to do:

  1. What is your Passion? What sets your soul on fire?
  2. What is your personal mission statement?
  3. What are you doing to add creativity to your life?
  4. What are you doing to be of service?
  5. Practice Gratitude every day!! Acknowledge your blessings.
  6. Vacation Mindset is now over, time to get back to a Routine!
  7. Laughter reduces your stress levels by 24%
  8. LIVE in your truth.
  9. Go on a social media Diet!!
  10. Set clear expectations of what your “New Normal” will be.
  11. Challenge yourself to do something that's uncomfortable.

There may be a time when the clock starts back up and we will have to become working folks again. But NOW is the time to set your goals in motion. To Live like Money and Time has nothing to do with your success. You got a DREAM?


Well, at least from 6 ft away. If you want to be successful, this is a perfect recipe as to how to become what you deserve to be.

There is NO better time than NOW!

Don't you agree?

Until Next time………

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Until next time!!

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or Write to me as I would love to hear from you:

Living & Thriving with Rustie

2828 S Mccall Rd


Englewood, FL 34224




Written by Rustie

Rustie shares her personal journey through severe poverty, rape, abuse, & homelessness in a light-hearted way. Her radio Show:

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