IF you had a choice?

3 min readMay 2, 2020



I write pieces of my 43-years journey circling this planet. Some are past and some present. The time is not relevant.

It’s the story of healing, hope, transformation, and my overall determination not to give up.


What if, when you died, you got a choice to come back as anything you want? What would you be? I always get stuck on what I don’t want to be. I am very clear I don’t want to be a dog! 😂🤣🙄

I can't eat poop nor do I want to spend most of my day licking my butt. I know that is very “human of me” but frankly? If you ask most folks, they always say they want to be a dog. I love my dogs. I wouldn't want to live my life without them. I just dont want to be them.

But this morning I figured it out! After all these years I finally unstuck myself! Instead of repeating what I don't want to be, I looked at what I could be. I had to really dig deep to look at ALL aspects of my life and what I LOVE about Life. I have two things that mean so much to me. I literally am obsessed with bearing witness too!

The sun & the moon!

I love knowing & feeling the shifts that either provide. I love waking to the sun's rays caressing my face each morning, waking life up around me, & infusing energy into the new day!

I love how the moon caresses my soul, gives me wonder, hope, fills the night sky with such a glorious glow, & puts our bodies at ease. I think I would choose either, but feel that the Sun would make the most sense since I am a fiery creature anyway! 😏

Yup. I would be that vibrant ball of energy that wakes up the world & gets to make mountains shine! How majestic! Glorious!!

Guess what occurred to me in my mental wondering?

I have literally been through hell and back a few times now and the one thing that I have always had was a fire in my soul to show people how beautiful they are. Even at my lowest point, I would get up, show up, and ensure I was supporting someone in some way. I never ever gave up on my knowing my purpose. Even when I was too weak to see myself in the light. I knew than and still know that it s about service to YOU.

I am a vessel.

I am a tool.

A resource.

Your coach.

Your cheerleader.

Your electric prod to get you up and motivated.

If I had a choice of how to live my next life? I would still want to make the world shine! THAT is why I coach, why I do my podcast, why I am setting YouTube on fire! I want YOU to see how wonderful you are, you “beautifully flawed bag of water”! YES!



I am a changer, rainmaker, the light in your dark, & this always will be who I am!

No matter in what form.

Hi, ho it’s off to make people shine today!

Until Next time………


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Living & Thriving with Rustie

2828 S Mccall Rd


Englewood, FL 34224




Written by Rustie

Rustie shares her personal journey through severe poverty, rape, abuse, & homelessness in a light-hearted way. Her radio Show: blogtalkradio.com/rustie

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