I give myself permission to do what is best for me.
I allow myself to make decisions that are in my best interest. I deserve to put myself first and to make myself a priority.
WOW! Did I just write that?
Yup. Welcome to Rustie version 13.4 where I begin to love myself and take care of myself! As I go into July 2020, preparing for flying Donkies and killer butterflies, I also take responsibility for my health. Since I have been basically on a working vacation with the rest of you, I have gotten a little fluffy. So, July 1 is day one of 21 days of Detox!
Oh, yes! Limited Social Media, No carbs, No booze, Nothing but Yoga, meditation, fresh vegs, lots of walking, and clearing up my mind.
It is my responsibility to take excellent care of myself.
When I treat myself like I am important, I am better able to help others. I can not pour from an empty cup! When I help myself, I am ultimately helping everyone else in my life, too. I am allowing myself to recharge and giving my self the ability to focus.
I consider the impact that my words, decisions, and actions have on others. However, I am able to choose the course of action that is best for me. I choose to be quiet rather than in reaction and in that, I hope to assist people better. I hope to be a better listener and have a more positive impact on the world. I choose to meditate so that I can think better. I make these choices in better myself so that I can be more impactful in the healing work that I do.
When I consistently put others above me, my life suffers.
I am less able to help others when this happens. I need to regroup. Refresh and recharge!! The three R’s for success. I need to focus on mindful living, not a mind filled as I try to live. I need to get back into my grounding and better breathing habits.
I have purposely used this COVID -19 time to write more about bettering our lives. I have changed my narrative to suit the needs of our world, NOW. Negativity and blame have no use in my life right now. There is nothing that I can do but to radiate and demonstrate a healthy and positive lifestyle even in tragedy. So, I limit all that I have introduced to me. I do not engage in conversations that will lead to an argument. THIS IS NOT a healthy choice right now. I do not view controversial and adversarial videos. I remain in a state of healing and of a healthy mind.
Not to say that I am ignorant of what is going on right now, it's not allowing myself to get caught up and absorbed by the cosmic changes taking place. I do not allow anger, depression, or fear to drive my actions every day. I live in peace.I live with a peaceful mind.
I might occasionally feel guilty about my own needs. However, I must remember that taking care of myself is the best for everyone in my life.
I need to remember that, I too am important and in that, my self-care gives me my power back.
I am willing to give myself permission to do what is best for me. Which is FAR out as I never realized how I have never given myself that space and love before.
Today, I am making myself my number one priority. I am considering how everything I do affects my life. I am focused on taking care of myself today.
I am choosing to do what is best and healthiest for me! In return? I can be a better person for YOU.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- When have I sacrificed myself and made my life much more challenging?
- Would I take the same course of action if I could go back in time?
- What are three times I should have put myself first but didn’t?
- What were the consequences?
- What should I do in my life right now to take care of myself?
- What am I resisting, but know that I should do?
Until next time………..
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Living & Thriving with Rustie
2828 S Mccall Rd
Englewood, FL 34224
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or Write to me as I would love to hear from you:
Living & Thriving with Rustie
2828 S Mccall Rd
Englewood, FL 34224