Hello, I am “Franky”

6 min readMar 26, 2020


(snark, snark)

A series of true adventures as Franky and dating apps.

Yes, my name is Franky, Why so strange? It's short for Francine. In the forever and most infinite universal space, I choose an alternate identity. My name is my mask. My protection until I know what I am dealing with.

I am public but I also have my private space. THIS is where the world changes for me. Franky comes to life one date at a time, one kiss at a time. One stupid dick pick at a time. I finally decided to take dating seriously and the Universe shows me that a Virus will change my desire for holding, kissing, sex, and frankly making out in public. Yes. Those of us who are single may be single forever. Otherwise, Zoom and Skype will be the latest Porn channels.

Oh, GOD! I dont, well kinda…. nope, I don’t want to imagine.

Anyway, Franky Buttercups is my pseudo Gangster name. If I were to put a bullet in your head like a bad Sopranos Episode you would remember that I came from a time in which the world collapsed and leadership no longer existed. It's a world where the very idea of EYE for an EYE and every man for himself became very real. Toilet paper and trading stock on possible cures by our very own congress is far more valuable than the Tides of life. The country that once was a superpower is now a floundering circus show. We live in “Fatalistac-erica”. A new land in which no one has to feel anything and interprets what they see passably. Even though we are aware that millions will fall ill and a large portion will die, we still air commercials to buy, buy, buy. A time in which we have the largest library that we could ever touch by a simple command to Siri and MOST do not research. I too have been caught in that net.

Sex is now commanded by hookups and dick pick and few singles truly understand the delights of BSDM or even vanilla lovemaking. Now? Those who are not partnered can not touch those who we would otherwise like to explore. Aids was the forefront of less contact and now? The “Crown of the East” is in Charge. Yes, Corona has become a major issue. Adventures are at an all-time halt due to administrations' lack of quick actions and desire to profit on the crisis. This too shall pass, but really? I find struggle with this far deeper than I should. It's just that I finally got excited about dating again after 2 years of not and now this?


What can I say in my alternate universe to those who I connect with virtually? I am told how beautiful I am…… can I loan them some money. uh, Or my favorite is when they steal someone else's photo and then confess that they are a Prince shunned from their kingdom….can I loan them some money.

Yes, trust is an overall issue so why question my name? I get that often. Its as though I give off a virtual vibe that I am no Franky. Or maybe they question my hazel eyes and wonder if I have extra junk in my trunk?

Dont question my name. Its Franky. Lets mentally chat and explore humor, syntax, while we know we will not touch or probably even meet. We are now in a time in which we are less, less, and even less human. We express something distantly, and not much of actually anything said. We have mastered distance, lack of trust, and yet touch is essential.

Touch is important.

It's human.

What blows my mind is the construct of the new dating world. Perverts seem to outnumber genuine folks who are actually looking for relationships. Even more so, the crazies seem to think it's their God-given right to put you down, call you names all under the guise of their “mortal supremeness”. Fascinating really.

My latest research began when I realized how much shit is on the web and how far away we are from resurrecting a romantic living space. The days of love letters and flowers are so far gone. Now? Its a dick pick with hey, I like rim jobs. Frankly, vomitus to the MAX. Where is the couth? Where is the delicate mental dance of sensuality and privacy? What happened to the idea of warming up to the other and maybe getting to know what makes them tick? OR shit, going to the movies and making out? I used to LOVE drive in making out time!!

Nope. “Hey, I wanna rim job and my girlfriend wants to watch.”


I am an old skool romantic who is very much in love with Rumi and fear that I will never find a mind to cuddle up with that will match his. I wonder on this big rock and ask myself whatever happened to lovers having a secret play world that requires more than a boring pic of a dick.

(Guys? JUST an FYI, but there is NOTHING that is a turn on about a dick. some are lighter, darker, curve to the left, right or super freaking small. SNORE.)

There is something so wonderful about the dance between two lovers. The eyes that are melting and look away to avoid going flush. The heat of the breath against the neck as you slow dance or even hug. The hand that grabs you by your waist and pulls you forward for a deep overdue, and very longing kiss. The special ring tone to let you know it's them that is calling and your rush like a rapid dog to answer, just to hear their voice. The questions that you ask yourself are, in fact, silly but so important at the time.

Is my breath fresh?

Did I put on Deodorant?

Oh, God? Am I wearing my granny panties?

Laugh not. You know you have. Even more fun is that these questions run through your head as you are merely checking your voicemail and hear their voice message.

The heat that the body exchanges when your touch feels sacred. This is all new. All real. All happening. The excitement of meeting the other for the first or fifth time. You drop your keys or suddenly your mind is out of focus. You will walk through the mall and a song or smell will trigger a time you spent together. The very memory sends excitement and anticipation to your nerve endings and part of your body prepares for exploration, though there is nothing more than memory experienced.

Yes, that is what makes a lover.

One who wants to lay you down and watch your muscles twitch in anticipation, fear, and excitement of their next move. One who can come near you and knees buckle as you have longed for a kiss that day. A back rub and sharing soup as you both caught a cold. The stupid fights as you get insecure by feeling like they are so much more then they were weeks ago. The early morning giggles, and the late-night movies. The time that you spend looking at the world and trying to find a grasp over what can not be controlled. The very learning about each other's bodies and how to make the other explode with delicious, vibrant energy.


To the lovers.

They are still out there……..I hope.


I write pieces of my 43-years journey circling this planet. Some are past and some present. The time is not relevant.

It’s the story of healing, hope, transformation, and my overall determination not to give up.


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Living & Thriving with Rustie

2828 S Mccall Rd


Englewood, FL 34224




Written by Rustie

Rustie shares her personal journey through severe poverty, rape, abuse, & homelessness in a light-hearted way. Her radio Show: blogtalkradio.com/rustie

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