I write pieces of my 44-years journey circling this planet. Some are past and some present. The time is not relevant.
It’s the story of healing, hope, transformation, and my overall determination not to give up.
I face challenging situations with conviction and courage.
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and I am tougher than anyone I know.”
That is a PERFECT mantra for you during difficult times. Repeat as necessary! Last week we looked at ways to harness courage. We are STRONGER than we think and we believe.
Today? Let's take on Challenges.
I persevere until a challenge is conquered. I refuse to give up under any circumstance. I always make it to the finish line. Granted I have been known to cry from time to time. I have been known to have a temper tantrum AND drop a few F-bombs along the way. I AM HUMAN! And it's OK to feel.
It's NOT OK to stay self-inflicting.
Now? When I face a challenge, I can feel my courage growing. I go back to the 8 steps we talked about last week. It grows so much that I believe I can accomplish anything. I can overpower any challenge. I can outwork any competitor. I am a courageous person that can do whatever is necessary.
In the beginning, it's hard to believe. Eventually you will! I NOW have conviction. I believe in myself. I know that I can find a solution to any challenge and implement that solution successfully. I am so capable that I am free from worry.
Most things work out for me because I now have faith and live in the belief that I WILL make it. When the smoke clears, I am the one left standing, in pride, humility, and strength. I am the one that is victorious. I am successful so often that I only expect success. AND THAT is a mindset to practice until you FEEL it. Say this over and over EVERY DAY until you truly FEEL the power of the words!
I am successful so often that I only expect success.
Today, I am growing and evolving. I fully understand now that I do not have control over life and that anything can happen. I mean, look at it this way. Did you THINK that we would have an international pandemic of a mighty coody bug-killing millions of people within 14days of becoming symptomatic? that's a Hollywood MOVIE outline!
NOT real life! PLOT twist! Guess what just got real?
Challenges are a wakeup call for the most powerful parts of our mind and our personality. We are at our best when life stops being easy. Why? Because WE GROW. We wipe our knees off and we get it DONE WHEN we believe in ourselves. Hands down! NO question.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How do I normally react when faced with a challenge? How would I like to react?
- If I reacted to each challenge in my life with conviction and courage, how would my life change?
- What am I going to do the next time I face a challenge?
Until next time!!!
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Living & Thriving with Rustie
2828 S Mccall Rd
Englewood, FL 34224